The application for our 2024 Dr. Lewis E. Braverman Endocrinology Fellow-in-Training Travel Grant is closed.

This one-of-a-kind grant was established in 2017 and honors Dr. Lewis E. Braverman while supporting the educational activities of endocrinology fellows. Dr. Braverman had a passion for mentoring fellows, students and junior faculty, and dedicated more than 50 years of service to educating them. He was of exemplary service to AACE, and will be remembered for his dedication to the specialty.
This educational grant provides a unique educational experience that includes:
- Ability to travel anywhere worldwide away from your home program for 1-4 weeks
- Up to $5000 in travel reimbursement expenses
- Ability to enhance endocrine training in the focus of your liking
- Have your experience published on the AACE website and receive an invitation to share at the Fellows event during the 2026 AACE Annual Meeting (travel expenses not covered).
The American Association of Clinical Endocrinology funds this travel grant for a 1-4 week endocrinology-related extramural rotation with selection determined competitively based on the quality and achievability. The submission timeline and requirements for applying are listed below. Grant applications must be submitted by the submission deadline extended to October 1, 2024.
August 20, 2024
Application submission period opens
October 1, 2024
Submission period closes
Application reviewed by the Awards Committee
November 1, 2024
Grant recipients announced
December 31, 2025
Grant program must take place by this date
Spring 2026
Grant experience/published on the AACE website and presented at the 2026 AACE Annual Meeting
- Must be an endocrine fellow at a United States endocrine program.
- Must plan and execute a unique clinical extramural rotation, in the United States or internationally, by December 31, 2025.
- Must obtain endocrine program director approval for the extramural rotation prior to applying.
- Must remain a member of AACE throughout the clinical extramural rotation.
- Must have a mentor who can either be your Program Director or Faculty Mentor.
- Must submit:
- An updated CV
- A letter from the Director of the rotation site in support of the proposal
- A letter of support from your mentor at your extramural rotation site
- Grant application details (see below)
- After the extramural rotation, the applicant will:
- Receive a request to write an article about their experience to be included on the AACE website
- Receive an invitation to share their experience during the Fellows Program at the 2026 AACE Annual Meeting.
Grant Application Details
- Basic applicant and fellowship program information
- Topic, location, and anticipated duration for the clinical extramural rotation
- Proposed budget and detailed justification for the award (not to exceed $5,000; supports travel and training supplies only)
- Detailed description that includes:
- how the grant will enhance endocrine training;
- what makes it unique;
- anticipated outcomes;
- scope of work;
- why you selected the location of the rotation;
- any other information that will be useful for the Selection Committee.
Please submit your completed application with accompanying documents by the deadline of October 1, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
View Past Recipients, Rotation Topics, and Locations:
Past Recipients
Athavi Jeevananthan, MD
Topic: Menopausal Medicine
Location: Midlife Women’s Health and Menopausal Medicine Program of the University of Utah
Sadaf Farasat, MD
Topic: Neuroendocrinology
Location: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles, CA
Priyanka Majety, MD
Topic: Diabetes in pregnancy among American Indians/Alaska Natives
Location: Shiprock, New Mexico
María Del Mar Morales Hernández, MD
Topic: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Location: Lima, Peru
No Recipient
Medha Satyarengga, MD
Topic: Use of Closed Loop Insulin Pumps
Location: Cambridge, UK
Sean Iwamoto, MD
Topic: Transgender Medical Care and Research at Established European Clinics
Location: European Network for the Investigation of Gender Incongruence (ENIGI)