AACE Advocacy News

At AACE, we are committed to improving endocrine healthcare and advocating for better patient outcomes. Our efforts focus on ensuring access to comprehensive care, improving health policies, and empowering our members to become effective advocates.

Stay informed and engaged by exploring our latest advocacy updates.



March 2025

Sign-On to Letter to Trump Administration: Coverage for Obesity Medications

AACE has agreed to join an initiative by the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) and other interested organizations in urging the Trump Administration to empower patient choices and provider autonomy by finalizing coverage for obesity treatments through a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed rule. The letter addressed to the HHS Secretary and Nominee CMS Administrator, highlights the Administration’s opportunity to satisfy the will of the people and Make America Healthy Again with a clear and strong reinterpretation of the Part D statute to provide coverage for obesity medications.

Comments to NCQA re: Proposed Changes for CGM Utilization Quality Metrics

AACE submit comments to the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) related to the NCQAs Proposed New Measures for the Diabetes Recognition Program. AACE strongly agrees with the concept of measuring CGM use in Type 1 and any insulin treated non-type 1 diabetes populations as proposed and provided concerns about how health plans might interpret the "evidence of CGM use" as well as the benefits of CGM use. AACE also suggested that the NCQA consider adopting a measure showing longer-term compliance with CGM.

Participation in the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program Public Engagement Events

AACE is working to confirm a representative to participate in a Clinician town hall Hosted by CMS which is part of a series of public engagement events this spring as part of the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program. The virtual public engagement events will provide an opportunity for patients, beneficiaries, caregivers, consumer and patient organizations, and other interested parties, such as clinicians and researchers, to share input relevant to drugs selected for the second cycle of negotiations.


February 2025

Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Nomination as Potential Misvalued Codes During CY2026 Rulemaking

In coordination with Dr. William “Reddy” Biggs and the Advocacy Committee, AACE President Scott D. Isaacs sent a letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) nominating Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) CPT Codes 10021, 10004, 10005 and 10006 as potentially misvalued codes during CY026 rulemaking. The letter presented new evidence for consideration and urged CMS to restore the RVU values for the codes to the amounts recommended by the AMA RUC for 2019. The letter provided additional evidence of the site of service changes, increasing average cost due to site changes, and highlighted the errors of the previous valuation including the discrepancies with the comparator service that CMS used in its initial assessment in 2019.

AACE Support for Continued Coverage of LiverMultiScan

AACE President Scott D. Isaacs sent a letter to Carelon expressing deep concern over their proposal to remove LiverMultiScan from its guidelines and noted that the decision could significantly impact patient care and access to important diagnostic tools. The letter included information on the importance of non-invasive tests in MASLD diagnosis and advised that the AACE Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Primary Care and Endocrinology Clinical Settings, co-sponsored by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), strongly emphasizes the importance of non-invasive tests (NITs) in the diagnosis and management of the condition.


January 2025

AACE Support For Bipartisan Screen For Type 1 Diabetes Act & Prevent Diabetes Act

In collaboration with the Advocacy Committee, AACE President Dr. Scott D. Isaacs, prepared a letter urging Congress to pass critical legislation to enhance diabetes awareness and prevention efforts across the United States. The SCREEN for Type 1 Diabetes Act is bipartisan legislation designed to enhance diabetes awareness and prevention efforts in the United States by establishing a nationwide public awareness campaign about the symptoms and risks of T1D, early detection and intervention. The Prevent Diabetes Act would make virtual care a permanent option for the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP), significantly expanding access to life-saving preventative services for Medicare beneficiaries, particularly in rural areas.

AACE Comments On CMS Proposed Rule On Obesity Medications

In collaboration with the Advocacy Committee, AACE President Dr. Scott D. Isaacs, submitted comments in response to CY2026 Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program. The comment letter specifically advised that AACE wholeheartedly endorses the proposed change in insulin cost sharing to eliminate the application of the annual deductible which will allow every diabetes patient on insulin to get enough to stay healthy. The letter also strongly endorsed the adoption of essential anti-obesity medications to Medicare Part D, Medicare Advantage and Medicaid.

AACE Comments On ACP Draft Policy Paper "Empowering Physicians Through Collective Action"

At the request of the American College of Physicians (ACP), the AACE Advocacy Committee reviewed their draft Policy Paper entitled “Empowering Physicians Through Collective Action” and provided comments. The comment letter from AACE President Scott D. Isaacs emphasized the critical importance of ensuring that ethical patient care remain the foremost priority in all decision-making processes. In addition to other points made, the letter stated that physicians must be empowered to advocate for their patients without undue external pressures, ensuring that clinical decisions are guided by medical ethics and the best interests of those we serve; further noting the importance of physicians having a seat at the table to make sure that profits are not placed over patient care.

AACE Joined The National Consumers League And The National Council On Aging In Support Of The Obesity Bill Of Rights

AACE signed-on to an effort by the National Consumers Leage (NCL) and the National Council on Aging (NCOA) in a letter to CMS highlighting the eighth principle of the Obesity Bill of Rights (OBOR) on the right to coverage for treatment. The letter strongly supported the proposed rule by CMS to align coverage policy to reflect the prevailing medical consensus that obesity is a chronic yet treatable disease.



December 2024

Thank You Biden Administration for Proposed Rule Language Allowing Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage of Obesity Medications

AACE joined the Obesity Care Advocacy Network and 20+ other organizations in a letter addressed to President Joe Biden thanking the Administration for the proposed rule that provides for the regulatory language to allow for Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage of obesity medications. The letter advised that, as a coalition, we have worked tirelessly to ensure that Medicare beneficiaries with the disease of obesity have access to comprehensive treatment options such as intensive behavioral therapy, obesity medications, and metabolic and bariatric surgery and that by addressing this issue, the Biden and Trump Administrations will also make way for a pathway for equitable healthcare access and long-term cost savings for the Medicare program.

AACE Review of American College of Physicians Draft Policy Paper

At the request of the American College of Physicians (ACP) the AACE Advocacy Committee is reviewing a draft policy paper "Improving Health and Health Care in Rural Communities: A Position Paper from the American College of Physicians." This position paper, jointly drafted by the ACP Health and Public Policy Committee and the Medical Practice and Quality Committee, builds off of the ACP’s previous work on social drivers of health and policies aimed at populations experiencing disparities to provide comprehensive policy recommendations to address rural health issues. Additional information will be provided after the comments by AACE are submitted.

AACE Support for the Continued Availability of Freestyle Libre PRO

AACE President Dr. Susan L. Samson and members of the Advocacy Committee sent a letter to Abbott for the purpose of providing clinical and business cases for the continued production of and support for the Libre Professional CGM device. The letter made a strong appeal to the decision-makers at Abbott to reverse their decision regarding ongoing production of the Libre Pro. The letter further advised that AACE remains committed to assisting with the education of clinicians about its appropriate use.


November 2024

National Diabetes Awareness Month T1D Screening Statement

In collaboration with the Diabetes Leadership Council and other leading diabetes groups, AACE recently signed-on to a proposed type 1 diabetes (T1D) screening statement for organizations that believe in the importance of T1D screening during National Diabetes Awareness Month. These groups have come together to proclaim that a T1D diagnosis doesn’t need to be a crisis and to urge families and health care providers to Get Ahead of Type 1. Recognizing the need for earlier detection of T1D, leading diabetes groups are working together to raise awareness of T1D screening, share resources, and amplify tools to help families better understand risk factors and stages of diagnosis.

Expanding Access to Diabetes Self-Management Training Act

In collaboration with the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES) and other organizations, AACE agreed to sign-on to a letter to the Senate Finance Committee in support of getting the Expanding Access to Diabetes Self-Management Training Act into any end-of-year package that may develop. The bill aims to address several barriers to accessing diabetes self-management training, which is relevant to everyone in diabetes care.

American Diabetes Association Invitation to Participate in Roundtable: Diabetes Technology and Treatment: Looking to the Future

AACE has been invited to participate in the American Diabetes Association roundtable: Diabetes Technology and Treatment: Looking to the Future taking place on December 3, 2024, in Washington, DC. AACE member and volunteer Dr. Camille Stanback will participate in the roundtable on behalf of AACE. The event will bring together a select group of experts and thought leaders to discuss the future of continuous glucose monitors and prevention and what barriers need to be addressed to ensure access to diabetes technology and care. The goal of the roundtable is to help inform the ADA’s policy priorities and advocacy narrative around diabetes technology.

Improving Access and Cover to Obesity Care Treatment for Older Americans

AACE joined the Obesity Care Advocacy Network (OCAN) in submitting a joint letter to the Senate Finance Committee to ensure that Medicare beneficiaries with the disease of obesity have access to comprehensive treatment options such as obesity medications, metabolic and bariatric surgery and intensive behavioral therapy (IBT). The letter called on Congress to improve access and coverage to obesity care treatment for older Americans in any end-of-year healthcare legislative package.

Drugs for Elderly Americans Living (DEAL) with Obesity Act

AACE joined Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick in support of the Drugs for Elderly Americans Living (DEAL) with Obesity Act. This legislation would provide coverage of weight loss drugs under the Medicare Part D program to dually eligible Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. The DEAL with Obesity Act builds upon the Congresswoman’s commitment to tackling the obesity epidemic, as previously supported by AACE.

Thyroid Disease Coverage, Awareness, Research and Education (CARE) Act

AACE joined the American Thyroid Association (ATA) in support of the pending Thyroid Disease Coverage, Awareness, Research and Education (CARE) Act. A few highlights of the proposed Thyroid CARE Act include: *Establish a national campaign to promote public awareness about thyroid disease and its impact on specific populations, including women. *Facilitate the dissemination of information about evidence-based thyroid disease care to health care professionals and health systems. *Commission a national study through the Department of Health and Human Services in collaboration with National Academies on disparities in thyroid disease prevalence, detection, treatments, and outcomes by key demographic characteristics.


American College of Physicians (ACP) draft position paper "Modernizing Risk Adjustment in Health Care: A Path to Equity and Efficiency"

By request from the American College of Physicians’ Medical Practice and Quality Committee, the AACE Advocacy Committee reviewed a draft position paper “Modernizing Risk Adjustment in Health Care: A Path to Equity and Efficiency.” After review, AACE requested that the ACP "include specialty societies as important stakeholders in the process" in relation to their Recommendation #4 which calls on public and private payers, physicians, clinicians, and patient advocacy groups to participate in regular evaluation and feedback mechanisms that integrate valid and reliable metrics into the risk adjustment models.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drug Advisory Committee (EMDAC) regarding sotagliflozin (Lexicon Pharmaceuticals)

AACE Advocacy Committee member Dr. Nirali Shah and the Chair of AACE Diabetes Technology Consensus Statement Task Force Dr. Janet McGill, are scheduled to participate in the FDA’s Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drug Advisory Committee (EMDAC) meeting on October 31st regarding Lexicon Pharmaceuticals’ sotagliflozin for glycemic control in people with T1D who have CKD. AACE President Dr. Susan L. Samson also sent a letter to the FDA expressing several key points such as gaps and unmet needs in current T1D management, benefits of sotagliflozin for T1D, risk mitigation strategies for ketosis and the need for more real-world outcome data.


September 2024

CMS–1807–P Medicare and Medicaid Programs; CY 2025 Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Changes to Part B Payment and Coverage Policies; Medicare Shared Savings Program Requirements; Medicare Prescription Drug Inflation Rebate Program; and Medicare Overpayments

At the request of the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF) AACE joined the BHOF and 30+ national health organizations in submitting comments regarding CMS-1807 P. The comment letter strongly urged CMS to create sufficient payment mechanisms to ensure viability of the collaborative care delivery intervention known as Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) and proven to reduce costly subsequent osteoporotic fractures in individuals experiencing an initial fracture.

Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA) H.R. 4818/S. 2407

AACE joined the Health Equity Coalition for Chronic Disease (HECCD) in a letter-writing campaign calling on the House Energy & Commerce Committee as well as the Senate Finance Committee to advance the TROA (H.R. 4818/S. 2407) and make it a priority for any end of year health care package.

CY2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule & Undervaluation of Fine Needle Aspiration Procedures

In collaboration with Dr. Sethu K. Reddy, Dr. William Biggs, Dr. Howard Lando, and Dr. Johnathan Leffert, AACE President Dr. Susan L. Samson submitted a letter to CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure expressing concerns with the CY2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS). The letter addressed specific concerns such as the 2.8% decrease in the conversion factor, reimbursement challenges faced by endocrinologists in private non-facility based practices for Radiofrequency Ablation of thyroid nodules, the inability of clinicians to bill G2211 alongside modifier 25 when performing a procedure or providing other services, and the mis-valuation of codes 10005 and 10021 ultrasound guided FNA procedures.


August 2024

Letter to Congress re: Increase Medicare Payments for Physicians in 2025 & Beyond

AACE signed on to a joint letter spearheaded by the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) coalition, on behalf of national physician and non-physician organizations representing more than one million clinicians and the patients they serve, once again drawing attention to year-over-year cuts to the flawed Medicare physician payment system. The letter urged Congress to take action to fix the unsustainable system so Medicare payments to physicians and other clinicians reflect the cost of practice and ensure Medicare beneficiaries have timely access to care.

AACE Support for Advancing Menopause Care and Mid-Life Women’s Health Act (S. 4246)

On August 8, 2024, AACE President Dr. Susan L. Samson sent a letter to the Honorable Bernie Sanders and the Honorable Bill Cassidy, Chair and Ranking Member, respectively, of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, urging their support in passing and implementing the bipartisan resolution Advancing Menopause Care and Mid-Life Women’s Health Act (S.4246). The Act would expand federal research on menopause and help further educate health professionals and the public.

Comment Letter to CMS concerning Addressing Care Gaps in Secondary Prevention of Osteoporotic Fractures/Support for Fracture Liaison Services (FLS)

On August 15, 2024, AACE President Dr. Susan L. Samson sent a letter to Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, Administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services commenting on CMS-1808 P - Medicare and Medicaid Programs and the Children’s Health Insurance Program; Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care Hospitals and the Long- Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System and Policy Changes and Fiscal Year 2025 Rates; Quality Programs Requirements; and Other Policy Changes. This proposed rule would update and refine payment policies under the Hospital Prospective Payment System (IPPS proposed rule) which AACE previously with joined other national patient advocacy organizations in submitting comments to the Physician Fee Schedule proposed rules asking that the CMS recognize, prioritize, and address the significant care gap in secondary prevention of osteoporotic fractures by implementing mechanisms to facilitate a widely adopted care coordination model known as Fracture Liaison Services (FLS).


July 2024

Comments to CMS concerning IPAY2027 of the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program (MDPN)

On July 1, 2024, AACE President Dr. Susan L. Samson sent a letter to CMS Deputy Administrator and Director of the Center for Medicare, Dr. Meena Seshamani, to provide comments and recommendations for consideration in the upcoming Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program (MDPN). CMS recently released draft guidance on how the agency will implement the newly created MDPN Program (part of the Inflation Reduction Act), which has significant impacts on the future of Medicare and access to medicines that beneficiaries need.


June 2024

American Medical Association (AMA) Meeting of the House of Delegates

AACE CEO, Johnnie White, Dr. Jonathan Leffert and Dr. Pavan Chava attended the American Medical Association (AMA) Meeting of the House of Delegates in June 2024. Dr. Leffert and Dr. Chava provided testimonies on important issues within endocrinology. Dr. Leffert provided testimony supporting the Council of Public Health’s report on looking at BMI and other alternative measures for diagnosing obesity. Dr. Chava provided testimony calling on the AMA to support efforts to have over the counter biotin supplements include a clear disclaimer on bottles that states the possibility of lab test interference. These advocacy efforts underscore AACE’s dedication to influencing public health policies for the betterment of patient care. AACE is also a member of the Endocrine Section Council along with 2 sister organizations, Endocrine Society and the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, which allows AACE to represent endocrine interests on a larger scale with some of the most instrumental medical policy makers in the world. The next meeting of the AMA House of Delegates will be held in November, 2024.

Dr. Michael C. Burgess Preventive Health Savings Act/H.R. 766

Through a request from the Healthcare Leadership Council and Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease, AACE signed on to a stakeholder letter along with fifty signatories to urge the Senate to hotline H.R. 766, the “Dr. Michael C. Burgess Preventive Health Savings Act” as passed in the House before the August 2023 recess.

Diabetes Management Collaborative (DMC) on behalf of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Division of Diabetes Translation (DDT)

AACE President Dr. Susan L. Samson received and accepted an invitation from the CDC's Dr. Holliday inviting AACE to be a founding member of the Diabetes Management Collaborative (DMC) on behalf of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Division of Diabetes Translation (DDT). The DMC formally launched a 2-day in person forum in Chicago on June 13-14, 2024 and Dr. Sethu K. Reddy, AACE immediate past president, participated.


May 2024

U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drug Advisory Committee (EMDAC) regarding icodec, Novo Nordisk’s one-per-week insulin

AACE Immediate Past President Dr. Sethu K. Reddy, AACE Board member Dr. William Biggs and AACE member Dr. Janet McGill participated in a meeting on May 24th with the FDA’s Advisory Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drug Advisory Committee (EMDAC) regarding Novo Nordisk’s one-per-week insulin to review the clinical trial data submitted for investigational once-weekly basal insulin icodec Biologics License Application (BLA) to support the approval of insulin icodec use in diabetes patients. AACE President Dr. Susan Samson also sent a letter to the FDA expressing the continued clinical need to improve adherence to insulin administration safely and to reduce under-insulinization in insulin-requiring individuals.

Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) - urging the Biden Administration to provide coverage for comprehensive obesity care

AACE joined the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) in urging the Biden Administration to provide coverage for comprehensive obesity care, including adding obesity into the category of complex, chronic disease states under the National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health guidelines, providing Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage of obesity medications, and expanding the type of qualified healthcare and community providers and evidence-based community programs that can deliver intensive behavioral therapy (IBT) under Medicare Part B.


April 2024

Resolution by Rep. Joyce Beatty (OH-03) recognizing the importance of DEI efforts in medical education

AACE signed-on to support a resolution introduced by Rep. Joyce Beatty (OH-03) recognizing the importance of DEI efforts in medical education as a way of pushing back against harmful legislation.

Participation in CMS's Medicare Evidence Development Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC) meeting re: Clinical end points for trials of diabetes devices

AACE provided comments and participated in the public portion of CMS's Medicare Evidence Development Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC) meeting, convened to give the agency input on appropriate clinical end points for trials of diabetes devices used by people with type 1 or insulin-dependent type 2, specifically 21 end points. Dr. Sethu K. Reddy and Dr. Rifka Schulman-Rosenbaum participated in the forum and gave a presentation.

H.R. 7725 EDUCATE Act

AACE agreed to sign on to an opposition letter with the American College of Physicians to Representative Greg Murphy, co-sponsor of H.R. 7725 the Embracing Anti-Discrimination, Unbiased Curricula, and Advancing Truth in Education (EDUCATE) Act. Under The EDUCATE Act, medical schools must not establish, maintain, or contract with a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) office, or any other functional equivalent. If enacted into law, noncompliant medical schools would no longer receive federal funding or be eligible to participate in guaranteed student loan programs.

Request to CMS on the expansion of coverage to allow anti-obesity medications (AOM)

AACE signed-on to a letter initiated by the Partnership to Advance Cardiovascular Health (PACH) requesting the expansion of coverage by CMS to allow anti-obesity medications (AOM) treatment for all people with obesity.


March 2024

Obesity Resolution by Representative Cherfilus-McCormick to the House

AACE provided obesity resource links and endorsed the Obesity Resolution submitted in the House on March 1, 2024, by Representative Cherfilus-McCormick. The endorsement included a quote by AACE President Dr. Susan L. Samson that ”the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology has been a fierce advocate for recognition of obesity as a chronic disease and has worked tirelessly to address stigma and bias in this area. We, at AACE, wholeheartedly endorse Representative Cherfilus-McCormick’s Obesity Resolution.”