In compliance with Chapter 6 of the AACE Bylaws*, this Memorandum serves to officially notify you in writing that the Board of Directors, upon an affirmative 2/3 vote, approved the AACE Nominating Committee slate of candidates for the special election for AACE President Elect, Treasurer and Secretary for a one-year term to begin January 1, 2023, and end on December 31, 2023.
Officer Positions:
One-year (1) term (2023):
- President Elect – Susan L. Samson, MD, PhD, FRCPC, FACE (Jacksonville, FL)
- Treasurer – Scott D. Isaacs, MD, FACP, FACE (Atlanta, GA)
- Secretary – Dace L. Trence, MD, MACE (Seattle, WA)
As outlined in the bylaws, the Nominating Committee submitted directly to the AACE Board of Directors a single slate of candidates for Officer positions and the Board of Directors to consider for election. The total number of candidates submitted by the Nominating Committee was equal to the number of open seats for Officers positions.
The Board-approved slate shall be posted on the AACE website for a period of thirty (30) days and otherwise announced to the membership in accordance with the Bylaws. During this period, AACE membership may submit a petition signed by not less than one-third (1/3) of voting members requesting that the Board of Directors reconsider one or more slated candidates and the reasons for such request. Final Board of Director approval of any slated candidates identified in such petition will require an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors present at that meeting. If such approval is not achieved, the Board shall direct the Nominating Committee to present one or more substitute candidates and repeat the procedure described above.
At the conclusion of the notice period, Friday, December 16, 2022, any slated candidates for which no petition requesting reconsideration has been filed will be deemed to have been elected by the Board of Directors. The candidates’ terms will commence on January 1, 2023.
Should you have any questions regarding the election process, please contact [email protected].
*The complete text of the AACE Bylaws and election procedures (Chapter 6) can be accessed on AACE.com