Key Takeaways from the AACE 2024 Annual Meeting
May 20, 2024

Dear AACE Community,

As we bid a fond farewell to the vibrant city of New Orleans, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and inspiration following our successful Annual Meeting. It was an honor to convene at the Hyatt Regency, in the heart of the Big Easy, as my first Annual Meeting with AACE. It was an absolute pleasure meeting so many of our members, industry partners, and others dedicated to providing the best care for patients.


This year's Annual Meeting was an unforgettable gathering of groundbreaking insights, invaluable connections, and transformative experiences that left attendees eagerly anticipating the next opportunity to be part of such a dynamic and impactful event. Our comprehensive three-day schedule featured diverse sessions, interactive workshops, and ample networking opportunities. I would like to highlight a few of my personal favorites, starting with our keynote speakers. This year's theme, "The Art & Science of Empathy in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Accountability," was as timely as it was essential. Our esteemed keynote speakers, Dr. Helen Riess and Dr. Dereck Paul, delivered insightful presentations on integrating AI advancements while continuing to prioritize empathy to enhance patient care. Their combined clinical and technological expertise underscored the critical balance between AI innovation and human compassion, setting a profound tone for the entire conference.

Plenary Speakers

In addition to our keynote presentation, our conference featured three distinguished plenary speakers.

  • Dr. Guillermo Umpierrez delivered the Alan J. Garber, MD, PhD, MACE Lectureship for the Prevention and Management of The Complications of Diabetes. The title of his talk was, "Management of Hyperglycemic Crises in Adults with Diabetes."
  • Dr. Jennifer Sipos presented the Hossein Gharib, MD, Educational Lectureship on "Thyroid Ultrasound: Past, Present, and Future."
  • Dr. Margaret E. Wierman presented the Kahn-Tan-Faiman Frontiers in Science and Endocrinology Award Lectureship titled, "From the Patient to the Bench and Back: New Models to Advance Adrenocortical Cancer."
These sessions provided invaluable insights across various disease states.

Workshops and Learning Zone


We also hosted two specialized workshops on diabetes technology and thyroid ultrasound, providing attendees with hands-on training in the latest devices and technologies. Alongside our educational sessions, we provided ample networking opportunities for our global audience. Our lively learning zone featured a replica of New Orleans' famous Café du Monde coffee shop serving authentic beignets. We also featured the first-ever AACE Puppy Park in partnership with Take Paws Animal Rescue. Attendees could take a break and enjoy some rejuvenating cuddles with adoptable dogs. Highlighting our commitment to providing accurate, easy to understand patient resources, we also showcased our AACE Patient Journeys on thyroid disease, obesity, and diabetes technology. Attendees were encouraged to explore the patient journey resources on and learn how to effectively integrate them into their practices.


Additionally, we organized various specialized meet-ups to enhance networking opportunities among attendees from around the world. Notable meet-ups focused on current and impactful topics within the field of endocrinology, such as "Environmental Issues in Endocrinology," discussing the effects of endocrine disruptors, and "Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Endocrinology," exploring AI's evolving role. Continuing the discussions for these topics we have launched our AACE Community platform, an online discussion forum for health care professionals to engage in dynamic conversations and exchange insights. We have an AACE interest group for each of these topics to provide members with the opportunity to collaborate, share experiences, and engage in discussions. Visit to join the conversation.

We also featured meet-ups on "Disease State Networks (DSNs)," providing a platform for in-depth conversations on specific endocrine disorders. These meet-ups, including those designed for Early Career professionals, International attendees, Fellows, FACE, and ECT members, played a crucial role in fostering new connections and sharing global perspectives.

Furthering our commitment to professional development and patient care excellence, we also announced the launch of our new interactive AACE certificate programs. Our comprehensive certificate programs are crafted to deepen health care professionals' expertise in clinical endocrinology, providing invaluable insights into the latest technologies, evidence-based guidelines, research findings, and practical skills to improve patient care. Visit to learn more about our interactive certificate programs.




The highlight of our event was the President's Party: A NOLA Celebration. Set against the vibrant backdrop of Bourbon Street, attendees indulged in iconic Creole cuisine while enjoying lively entertainment from the local band, Phat Hat. It was an honor to join AACE President Dr. Susan Samson in celebrating AACE's achievements over the past year as we gear up to provide more educational opportunities and resources for our global community.

We concluded our Annual Meeting with our AACE Awards Ceremony and Convocation. Congratulations to all our Awardees, Fellows of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (FACE) inductees, and those awarded the prestigious Master of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (MACE) distinction for their exceptional professional achievements in the field of endocrinology.

With these achievements still resonating, we have already started preparing for our next Annual Meeting. I am excited to invite you to our 2025 Annual Meeting, scheduled for May 15-17, in Orlando, FL. While the details are still being finalized, rest assured it will be another must-attend event filled with innovative sessions and memorable experiences. For more information, please visit

Thank you once again for making our 2024 Annual Meeting a tremendous success. Your active participation, insightful discussions, and commitment to advancing our field are crucial to our mission of elevating the practice of clinical endocrinology to improve global health. You can view more photo highlights on our AACE Facebook page here.

Together we are AACE!

Thank you,

Johnnie White, MBA, CAE, CMP Fellow
AACE Chief Executive Officer