Endocrine Practice - the Journal for Clinical Endocrinology
AACE Endocrine Practice

Stay at the forefront of innovative treatments for patients with endocrine diseases. Endocrine Practice, our official journal, is peer-reviewed, published twelve times a year, and contains original articles, review articles, commentaries and editorials. Clinical endocrinology professionals worldwide rely on Endocrine Practice.

Look for special issues of Endocrine Practice for our latest clinical practice guidelines, consensus statements, position statements and more.

Endocrine Practice is indexed in MEDLINE, Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Current Contents - Clinical Medicine, EMBASE, and Current Abstracts - EBSCO.

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Call for Peer Reviewers

We’re seeking volunteers to serve as journal peer reviewers to evaluate manuscripts and provide constructive criticism to editors and authors. Outstanding reviewers may be considered for the Editorial Board. If you are interested in serving as a peer reviewer, email [email protected], with your CV/bio and a short statement describing your area of expertise, any qualifications and reasons for interest.

[email protected]

Information for Authors

Read the Guide for Authors for manuscript criteria.

All manuscripts for Endocrine Practice are submitted through our online manuscript system.



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