Call for Abstracts: AACE 2025 Annual Meeting

Join us May 15-17, 2025, for the AACE 2025 Annual Meeting!

The American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (AACE) invites you to submit an abstract and have the unique opportunity to showcase your work that will be reviewed by experts in the field of endocrinology. If accepted, your abstract will be published as a supplement to AACE’s landmark journal, Endocrine Practice.

Please read this guide before beginning the submission process to become familiar with the guidelines and rules that apply to abstract submission.

The AACE Annual Meeting is structured to provide relevant clinical information for the endocrine practitioners (or clinicians). The program will focus on information that will allow you to achieve the best solutions for the diagnosis and management of endocrine diseases.

Submission Dates

OPENS: Tuesday, September 3, 2024
CLOSES: Monday, December 9, 2024. You will not be able to access your submission after 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time on December 9, 2024. No exceptions.

Abstract Awards

Jeffrey R. Garber, MD Award
Honoring Jeffrey R. Garber, MD, FACP, MACE, whose career focus is practice innovation, patient education, and clinical endocrinology fellowship training. The fund provides awards to trainees whose research emphasizes clinical endocrinology practice innovation (e.g., cost-effectiveness, guideline implementation, multi-disciplinary approaches, clinical decision support).

  • This award includes a $500 honorarium, for up to 2 recipients.

Travel Grant Award(s)
The Abstract Review Subcommittee will also select travel grant awardees based on merit and significance to the science and practice of endocrinology.

Travel Grants to be awarded include:

  • Up to one (1) International Physician or Fellow-in-Training Travel Grant for $2,500
  • Up to two (2) Domestic Resident-in-Training or Fellow-in-Training Travel Grant for $1,000

All abstracts must be submitted using the online submission site linked below:

Submit Abstracts




  • Abstracts may be submitted by AACE Community Members or non-members. If you are not a member, you may join online at
  • Abstracts describing original research, clinical trials, or case studies/series related to the area of endocrinology may be submitted.
  • Abstract submissions must be an original contribution and may not have previously been published or presented at any national/international meeting(s) in the same format at the time of abstract submission.
  • By submitting your abstract, you agree to present the abstract if it is selected for presentation during the Annual Meeting.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published as an online supplement to Endocrine Practice.
  • If the abstract reports on the results of a clinical trial not yet approved by a regulatory agency, you will be required to identify the trial phase.
    Authorship on multiple abstracts is permitted.


  • The same study should not be submitted as multiple abstracts. Abstracts that appear as more than one version of a single study will be rejected.
  • Abstracts submitted for the late-breaking category cannot be submitted to another category.
  • Abstracts previously published or presented at any national/international meeting are not eligible submissions.


  • Adrenal Disorders
  • Diabetes/Prediabetes/Hypoglycemia
  • Education/Quality Improvement
  • Lipids/Cardiovascular Health
  • Obesity/Nutrition
  • Parathyroid/Bone Disorders
  • Pediatric Endocrinology
  • Pituitary Disorders/Neuroendocrinology
  • Reproductive & Transgender Endocrinology
  • Thyroid
  • Others (genetic syndromes, new innovation, etc.)

The abstract limit is 2,700 characters, including spaces. Count excludes the title, names of authors/co-authors, authors’ affiliations and disclosures.


  • Titles should be brief, clearly indicating the topic category (limited to 250 characters including spaces).
  • Trial group names should not appear in the title.
  • Enter the title in the “title” field only and do not enter the title in the body of the abstract.
  • Author names and affiliations should not appear in the title.

Correct example: This is a Properly Formatted Abstract Title


  • Submitting authors will be the main contact for all correspondence during the submission process. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Do not list authors or commercial relationships in the body of the abstract. Please consult with your co-authors on how they would like their names to appear prior to the submission of the abstract.
  • There is a limit of 15 authors that may be included in the author block.


  • Prior to submitting the abstract, please ensure that it is proofread by an individual who speaks fluent English and can make recommendations as needed.
  • Preliminary or incomplete data are not allowed.
  • Do not use new technical words, laboratory slang, words not defined in dictionaries, abbreviations, or terminology not consistent with internationally accepted guidelines. Define any abbreviations the first time they are used. Omit all names and geographical references in the body of the abstract. Organize content as follows:
    • Original Research/Clinical Trial
      • Objective: Background or Statement of Purpose
      • Methods: Methods, materials and analytical procedures used
      • Results: Summary of the results in sufficient detail to support conclusion
      • Discussion/Conclusion: Discuss the content and interpret the data
    • Case Study/Case Series
      • Background/Objective
      • Case report
      • Discussion
      • Conclusion


  • Use standard abbreviations. Place abbreviations in parentheses after the first time the full word appears. Do not abbreviate compounds in the title of the abstract. Use numerals to indicate numbers, except when beginning sentences.


  • AACE will only publish commonly used acronyms included in the unified list of acronyms approved by the principal journal editors in the field of endocrinology. Please refrain from using all trial group acronyms in abstract titles. Acronyms may remain in the body of the abstract and in the author list.

Tables, images, and/or graphs SHOULD NOT be submitted.


AACE does not charge a processing fee for abstract submissions.


During submission, the author will be requested to agree to a copyright transfer should the abstract be accepted. The submitting author will agree to the terms of the copyright transfer on behalf of all co-authors. The Agreement transfers to AACE the copyright and all other rights of the material comprising the abstract upon acceptance. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, as holder of the copyright on the accepted abstract, reserves all right of reproduction, distribution, performance, display, and the right to create derivative works in both print and digital formats. No patient rights are assigned.
For general inquiries regarding abstract submission, email [email protected].


  • Abstracts will be reviewed by the AACE Abstract Review Subcommittee and scored numerically 1 through 5 based on merit and significance to the science and practice of Endocrinology, as well as their innovation and uniqueness.
  • “Incomplete” abstracts are considered incomplete and will not be reviewed. To ensure the integrity of the review process, revisions to abstracts will not be accepted after the submission deadline – no exceptions.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed without knowledge of the author(s), institution(s) or disclosure information (blind review).
  • Accepted abstracts will be selected for publication only, e-poster presentation given in person at the conference, or oral presentation also given in person at the conference.
  • Top scoring abstracts will be eligible for awards. The most outstanding abstracts will be considered for oral presentations.
  • A complete list of awards will be available on the AACE Annual Meeting website. Original research and clinical trials will receive higher consideration for awards.

Jeffrey R. Garber, MD Award
Honoring Jeffrey R. Garber, MD, FACP, MACE, whose career focus is practice innovation, patient education, and clinical endocrinology fellowship training. The fund provides awards to trainees whose research emphasizes clinical endocrinology practice innovation (e.g., cost-effectiveness, guideline implementation, multi-disciplinary approaches, clinical decision support).

  • This award includes a $500 honorarium, for up to 2 recipients.

Travel Grant Award(s)
The Abstract Review Subcommittee will also select travel grant awardees based on merit and significance to the science and practice of endocrinology.

Travel Grants to be awarded include:

  • Up to one (1) International Physician or Fellow-in-Training Travel Grant for $2,500
  • Up to two (2) Domestic Resident-in-Training or Fellow-in-Training Travel Grant for $1,000

AACE will notify the submitter of the status of their abstract in mid-February 2025. It is the submitters responsibility to then notify all co-authors. AACE requests that all interested parties please refrain from directly contacting the AACE offices to obtain information regarding abstract status, notification distribution and/or publication dates. Please check the annual meeting website regularly for the most up to date information. The submitter is the only author who will receive decision notifications from AACE.


All accepted abstracts will be available on the AACE Annual Meeting website. They will be published as a supplement to Endocrine Practice.


E-Poster presentations are given in person at the conference. The term “e-poster” refers to how AACE no longer presents physical posters and instead displays them on a large monitor. There will be several numbered stations with these monitors. Each presenter will be assigned a date and time of presentation and a station, and at the time of their presentation they stand at the station and give their presentation.


A very limited number of abstracts will be selected for Oral Presentation Sessions. Specific details regarding oral presentations will be sent to the primary authors of the selected abstracts.


The annual meeting is a private event. Programs presented at the meeting are for the education of attendees and purchasers of recorded presentations as authorized by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology. The information and materials displayed and presented during this meeting are the property of AACE and the presenter and cannot be photographed, copied, photocopied, transformed to electronic format, reproduced, or distributed without written permission of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology and the presenter. Any use of the program content for commercial purposes, which includes, but is not limited to oral presentations, audiovisual materials used by speakers, and program handouts without the written consent of AACE is prohibited. This policy applies before, during and after the meeting. AACE will enforce its intellectual property rights and penalize those who infringe upon it.

The names, insignias, logos and acronyms of AACE are proprietary marks. Use of the names in any fashion, by any entity, for any purpose, is prohibited without the express written permission of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology. Attendees who have questions about AACE’s copyright policy should contact the public relations department at [email protected].

Credentialed media attend the annual meeting to cover stories for consumer, trade and other media outlets, and are easily identified by their press ribbons. Media has access to all general sessions and limited access (at the discretion of speakers) to Meet the Professor and Workshop sessions. Media may use hand-held audio recorders and still cameras; moving video recording is also permitted with the permission of the presenter(s). The exception to this policy is that no photos or video are allowed in the Exhibit Hall. Press who would like general photos of the Exhibit Hall can obtain these after the meeting from AACE. Attendees who have questions about AACE’s media policies should contact the public relations department at [email protected].

As a courtesy to our presenters, AACE policy does not permit photographs or recordings during educational sessions, including poster sessions. The only exception without prior consent from the presenter to this is for registered media, who should review their registration for more information.

Accepted abstracts are made available to the public online at the time of the meeting and will be published as a supplement to Endocrine Practice. Information contained in those abstracts may not be released until the date of poster presentations. Academic institutions, private organizations, and information contained in an abstract may issue a press release to coincide with the availability of an AACE abstract on the AACE website. However, AACE continues to require that information that goes beyond that contained in the abstract (e.g., discussion of the abstract done as part of a scientific presentation or presentation of additional new information that will be available at the time of the meeting) is under embargo until 9:45 am ET on Thursday, May 15, 2025. Violation of this policy may result in the abstract being withdrawn from the meeting and other measures deemed appropriate. Authors are responsible for notifying financial and other sponsors about this policy.


Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors prior to submission. Your abstract, if selected, will be published exactly as submitted. You may return to the online submission site to revise your abstract until 11:59 pm Eastern Time on Monday, December 9, 2024. After this date/time, the submission site will close and no additional changes, edits, revisions, etc. can be made. Should a submission contain errors or require the omission of contributing author names after the deadline, presenters may opt to have the abstract withdrawn.

Primary authors may withdraw a completed abstract before December 9, 2024 by emailing [email protected] with the subject: AACE 2025 Abstract Withdrawal - “Abstract Title”.


The late-breaking abstract category allows for the submission of truly late-breaking, high-impact scientific research for which results were not available at the time of the regular abstract submission deadline. Late-breaking abstracts should present research that is ground-breaking, impactful and innovative. Abstracts will be ineligible for consideration if 1) they were not accepted in the regular abstract submission or 2) if preliminary data were available at the time of the regular abstract submission deadline. Case reports are not considered appropriate for this category.

The late-breaking abstract submission site will open on Monday, January 13, 2025 and close on Monday, March 3, 2025 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time. Submitters will not have access to the submission site after the submission deadline.

Abstract submission site opens …...................................................................Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Abstract submission site closes at 11:59 PM EST ............................................Monday, December 9, 2024
Late-breaking abstract submission site opens .................................................. Monday, January 13, 2025
Late-breaking abstract submission site closes at 11:59 PM EST...........................Monday, March 3, 2025