AvoMD Integrates AACE Guidelines

AvoMD, a software platform that brings clinical evidence into the workflow to help clinicians streamline decisions and save time, has partnered with AACE to integrate comprehensive guidelines into the AvoMD platform. This partnership provides endocrinologists, primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants/physician associates, and dietitians with seamless access to the latest evidence-based endocrinology recommendations at the point-of-care. Learn more about this partnership here.

Access the latest AACE guidelines using the AvoMD software platform:

2020 AACE Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Treatment Algorithm
This guideline provides recommendations to reduce a person's risk of osteoporosis-related fractures and to evaluate, diagnose, and treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, based on fracture presence, assessment of fracture risk/probability, measurement of bone mineral density or bone mass, and a patient’s history, among other factors.

Read Guideline at AvoMD


2016 AACE Obesity Guidelines
The evidence-based clinical practice guideline addresses key aspects of obesity care: screening, diagnosis, clinical evaluation, treatment options, therapy selection, and treatment goals. Implementing these recommendations should facilitate high-quality care and will be useful for all health care professionals involved in the care of patients with, or at risk for, obesity and adiposity-related complications. An accompanying algorithm is included.

Read Guideline at AvoMD