AACE Excellence in Humanities Award

Ved Gossain, MD, FRCPC, MACP, FACE

Ved Gossain, MD, FRCPC, MACP, FACE

Dr. Gossain is the Swartz Professor of Medicine and former Chief of the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism (emeritus), at Michigan State University (MSU). He established the Endocrinology Fellowship Program at MSU and served as the program director from its inception in 2006 to 2013. Dr. Gossain was also instrumental in establishing the “India council “now endowed in the Asia study center at Michigan State University and served as its director for several years. Dr. Gossain is presently serving as the chair of  the Governing council of the senior physicians’ section of the AMA. He has been an active clinical researcher and has published over 80 original papers and several book chapters. When he arrived in the USA in 1967, he had a total of $8 dollars on him. He has recently published his autobiography entitled “My journey through the United States: $8 dollars and No dream”.